Some household expenses are fairly steady throughout the year. But your gas bill varies from month-to-month because your gas usage fluctuates with the changing seasons. We can’t do anything about the weather but we can make it easier to ride the ups and downs of your gas bill by offering the Budget Payment Plan. Automatic payments from your checking or savings account is requires with this plan.
With the Budget Payment Plan, we bill you a fixed amount each month based on your average annual gas usage. We simply look at your total gas bills for the most recent 12 months, normalize that amount for the weather, if necessary, and divide by 12. You pay one twelfth of your estimated annual usage each month. In June, we recalculate your Budget Plan for the new year. At this time, we also “settle-up” the accounts, refunding any over-payments by issuing a credit on your bill. Thousands of customers are already enjoying the convenience of the Budget Payment Plan. If it sounds like a good idea to you, simply contact us at 265.2144. We’ll take it from there!
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