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Current Rate Book 5th Edition – Revised 2023-12-1




View Citizens Gas rate information by selecting the rate type below

Rate Type: Residential | Order Type: Open Order Rate A


Subject to limitations and restrictions in effect from time to time contained in orders from local, state, or federal regulatory bodies, and in the rules and regulations of the company, service is available under this rate schedule to any residential customer for residential usage as hereinafter defined. (Refer to restrictions on new customers, if any, on Sheet No. 5).

As used in this Rate Schedule, “Residential Service” means service to any residential customer for any residential purpose, including space heating, by individual meter in a single family dwelling or building, or an individual flat or apartment; or two or more households served by a single meter (one customer) in a multiple family dwelling.

Monthly Rate per Meter:

Customer Charge:
Class I (0-250 cfh): $12.75
Class II (251-500 cfh): $17.00
Class III (>500 cfh): $27.00

Distribution Charge: $0.223
Gas Supply Charge: $0.469

Late Payment Charge:
A late payment charge of 2% of the bill, net of taxes, not compounded, shall be added to any bill which is not paid on or before the due date shown thereon.

Budget Billing Plan Discount:
Customers taking service under Class I of this rate schedule and billed under the Company’s Budget Billing Plan, may pay a service charge of $12.00 per meter per month rather than $12.75 as provided under the monthly rate per meter.


Rate Type: Commercial | Open Order Rate B


Subject to limitations and restrictions in effect from time to time contained in orders from local, state, or federal regulatory bodies, and in the rules and regulations of the company, service is available under this rate schedule to any customer. (Refer to restrictions on new customers, if any, on Sheet No. 5).

As used in this Rate Schedule, “Residential Service” means service to any residential customer for any residential purpose, including space heating, by individual meter in a single family dwelling or building, or an individual flat or apartment; or two or more households served by a single meter (one customer) in a multiple family dwelling.

Monthly Rate per Meter:

Heating Customer:
Class I (0-250 cfh): $24.25
Class II (251-500 cfh): $30.00
Class III (>500 cfh): $42.50

Non-Heating Customer: Class I (0-500 cfh):$19.00
Class III (>500 cfh): $30.00

Distribution Charge $0.249
Gas Supply Charge $0.469

Late Payment Charge:

A late payment charge of 2% of the unpaid balance outstanding, net of taxes, shall be added to any bill which is not paid on or before the due date shown thereon.


Rate Type: Large Volume | Contract Rate C-1 / C-2

Availability (C-1):

Subject to limitations and restrictions in effect from time to time contained in orders from local, state, or federal regulatory bodies, and in the rules and regulations of the company, service is available under this rate schedule to any customer who uses a minimum of 2,400 MMBtu annually. (Refer to restrictions on new customer, if any, on Sheet No. 5).

Availability (C-2):

Subject to limitations and restrictions in effect from time to time contained in orders from local, state, or federal regulatory bodies, and in the rules and regulations of the company, service is available under this rate schedule to any customer who uses a minimum of 800 MMBtu per month 20,000 MMBtu annually. (Refer to restrictions on new customer, if any, on Sheet No. 5).

Monthly Rate per Meter:

Customer Charge (C-1 and C-2): $350.00 per meter per month.
Distribution Charge (C-1 and C-2): $1.785 per MMBtu for all MMBtu’s purchased.
Gas Supply Charge (C-1): $4.380 per MMBtu for all MMBtu’s purchased.
Gas Supply Charge (C-2): Minimum of $4.073 per MMBtu for all MMBtu’s purchased
Maximum of $4.380 per MMBtu for all MMBtu’s purchased.

Late Payment Charge:

A late payment charge of 2% of the unpaid balance outstanding, net of taxes, shall be added to any bill which is not paid on or before the due date shown thereon.


Rate Type: Agricultural | Rate E


Subject to limitations and restrictions in effect from time to time contained in orders from local, state, or federal regulatory bodies, and in the rules and regulations of the company, agricultural interruptible service is available under this rate schedule to any customer who uses natural gas solely for agricultural processing. All gas used under this rate schedule will be separately metered. (Refer to restrictions on new customers, if any, on Sheet No. 5).

Monthly Rate:

Customer Charge: $18.25 per meter per month
Commodity Charge: $0.701 per CCF for all CCF purchased.

Late Payment Charge:

A late payment charge of 2% of the unpaid balance outstanding, net of taxes, shall be added to any bill which is not paid on or before the due date shown thereon.


Rate Type: Interruptible | Contract Rate D


Interruptible service is available under this rate schedule to any customer who uses a minimum of 2,400 MCF per year, with alternate fuel burning facilities installed, subject to interruption by the Company when in its opinion it is necessary to curtail or interrupt services to protect services to other customers served under firm service rate schedules or where it is required to curtail or interrupt services by its supplier or any governmental agency having jurisdiction. All gas used under this rate schedule will be separately metered. (Refer to restrictions on new customers, if any, on Sheet No. 5).

Monthly Rate:

Commodity Charge:  Monthly gas supply plus $2.24 per MMBtu, or
City-Gate delivered price plus $2.24per MMBtu

Late Payment Charge:

A late payment charge of 2% of the unpaid balance outstanding, net of taxes, shall be added to any bill which is not paid on or before the due date shown thereon.