Below are frequently asked questions and answers regarding billing timeline.  If you have a question that is not submitted on this list please send it to us using our online contact form.

Citizens Gas bills nine cycles each month. Which cycle you are in depends on your service location. This also determines when your meter is read, when your bill is processed and your due date.

To give you an understanding of how your bill is processed, here is a sample timeline based on a customer in cycle 1. If you are in a different cycle, these specific dates will not apply to you but give you a timeline of the billing process.

Billing Timeline FAQ

March 31

Your gas meter was read for the previous billing period.

May 1

Your meter is read by one of our meter readers. It has been 31 days since your last meter reading on March 31. Ever see the meter reader in your driveway or just drive by and never get out of their truck? This would mean there is an electronic meter-reading device on your meter. This allows the meter reader to simply push a button and your reading is transmitted electronically. Meters are read every 28-31 days.

May 10

Bills for cycle 1 are generated and printed. The bills are then sent out for mailing. The bills are always mailed 21 days (or sooner) before the due date.

June 1

Payment of your bill for gas used from March 31 to May 1 is due. This is 61 days from first day you started using gas on this billing cycle. There are nine different due dates depending on your billing cycle.

June 5

If your bill is unpaid, a 2 percent late charge is added. If the past due balance on your account meets the criteria for collections, you will receive a disconnect notice. You will have 10 days from the date of this notice to either pay the past due amount in full or make arrangements for payment.

June 15

If you have failed to pay the past due amount in full or make arrangements, a collector will deliver a notice of disconnection of gas service for non-payment either by leaving a tag on the door or placing a phone call. At anytime arrangements are made and not kept, you are immediately eligible for disconnection without further notice or contact.

June 16

The gas service will be disconnected if full payment was not received. To restore the gas service, the entire past due amount needs to be paid along with a $50 reconnect charge. A meter security deposit may also be required.